Thursday, March 17, 2016

Master Shifu's Inner Peace

For those of us who watched and perhaps loved the movie Kung Fu Panda* Master Shifus character represents the quintessential seriously skilled teacher. His portrayal is akin to that of a middle-aged, skilled and yet perhaps a brooding set of managers, coaches, experts and heads who are trying in their own way means to find perfection, weathering upheavals and storms along the way. For Master Shifu achieving perfection is to find that elusive thing called inner peace and subsequently immerse oneself into it. 

But today; does this idea of peace seem utopian? In a world fraught with conflicts, acrimonies, bitterness and top it with our own ideas of rights and wrongs, prejudices….the set of merry go round thoughts…all in the head! Shutting eyes tightly does not seem to find peace. Repeated attempts may yet not yield.  

Nevertheless, it is also true that there is an innate, a latent idea which exists in all of us, an idea around perfection. And we the humankind get these bouts of inner calling….those tidings, ruminations of an idle mind….as one might put. These tidings exist, almost in every individual.

What can we do about it?

Closing eyes is like opening a can of thoughts in my head! The mind is the thought maker. And goes about his duty of generating thoughts! So does peace mean thoughtlessness?

For thought activity to rest what one can do well is to let the mind to relax. Relaxing eases the nerves, calms down the agitated molecules and provides the ‘clarity’ in an otherwise disturbed pond of water. Still water in the pond aka the mind is a gift for seekers.  It provides an opportunity to go deeper.

There are simple and effective relaxation techniques today made available, wherein much of the process is executed by the practitioner, using self-suggestions. Periodic practice assists in relaxing better. One offered by the Heartfulness Institute offers a refreshing perspective on relaxation and meditation. For more details refer to

A relaxed mind is the initiatory step towards inner wellness and wellbeing.

*‘Kung Fu Panda’ the movie is produced by the company Dreamworks Animation.
** is the initiative of Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation.