Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Content or Package

It would be a case for arguments and debates. And in case of trials wherein the goal or destination is the same, often debates arise due to which is important - Is it the Packaging or is it the Content? Safe to say it's both. But I may like to ask, why so?

Content perhaps is the 'Raison d'etre' of our existence. It defines who we are and in a way defines our thinking. And Package perhaps is equatable to the icing on the cake or the welcome mat at our doorstep or if I may extrapolate this to a lighthouse amidst high seas.

We have beneath the deepest mines or dirty waters of forgotten coasts the rarest of the rare diamonds. We can extend this analogy to the ocean pearls. All hidden from the view. The diggers and the divers continue to look beneath with a hope of getting that which is the Content. But then the question arises, are these examples of poor packaging? Can we state that the packaging in this analogy is useless? Park the thoughts now for a moment....

In my wanting to argue on behalf of Packaging, let us take another analogy of using the same examples as above. A raw, diamond, uncut and unpolished wouldn't have attracted our attention. The throngs who flock the stores. The lighthouse of the harbor with years of ocean salt fogs the light, eventually fails to serve the purpose. Wish it is cleaned. Cleanliness herein is Packaging. The diamond shop well lit with equally attractive sales personnel are inviting. My friends in Sales say shoes must shine. They say an unkempt shoe reflects unkempt merchandise. Attraction is Packaging.

On attending a conference on a technical subject, I was rather disappointed with the session. Because the speaker did not reflect the knowledge which the Content demanded. And then topics did not cover the subjects to provide due respect to the vastness of the content. So in a way depth of knowledge is Content. The vast library of references is Content. And true Content adapts. It inspires the listener. It anticipates the doubts, the stumbling blocks and in a way lets us overcome limitations.

In conclusion, the heart resides within the skeletal bones. Material appearance attracts us to the spirit confined within. Yet no amount of vanity can attract the bees if there is nothing in the flowers to give. The wandering pilgrims did not stop at the monastery for long. It could not quench their thirst within. Package and Content are inseparable in this space and time.